12 Volt / 30 Amp PWM Charge Controller / Regulator suits Gel, AGM, Conventional lead-acid ,lithiumbattery and Calcium Batteries.
It contains a built in regulator toprevent your battery from being overcharged. (Overcharging occurs when thecharge voltage is unregulated. This can result in premature battery failure.)
The controller will stop charging whenthe battery is full and will automatically start charging the battery asrequired.
Protects your battery from discharge atnight. Under low light or no light conditions the solar panel voltage could beless than the battery voltage. The unit contains a special circuit whichprevents current flowing back from the battery and into the solar panel.
1.Colored LED’sto indicate the operational status and the charging progress for when a solarpanel is connected.
2.PWM & 3Stage Charging Technology
3.Digital LCD toIndicate Battery Voltage or Current. (Switch Selectable)
4.For use with12/24 Volt Systems. Suitable for Solar Panels up to 800 Watts.